CFA Conference: Putting Investors First
On May 31, I am keynoting the CFA Society conference in the Cayman Islands, discussing the concept of What Misunderstanding Risk Means for Investors.
It is part of a series that the CFA is doing called “Putting Investors First.” Unlike numerous other industry organizations (i…
The Benefits of Customizing Client Statements
Are customized client statements a good fit for managers and clients? Read more
These 5 Stocks Were Dumped by Prominent Hedge Funds in Q1
While it may seem logical for an everyday investor to go long in a company that many hedge funds are bullish on, it is less obvious to steer clear of businesses that have fallen out of favor among these investment firms, namely because that data is harder to come by. That’s where we come in……
A Nation Of Housing ‘Haves’ & 'Have-Nots’
Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,
Geography charts the financial destiny of households, at least in terms of housing.
Everyone who follows the statistics of rising income and wealth inequality knows we’re becoming a nation of haves and have-nots. What’s not being discussed is the role of housing…
Geography charts the financial destiny of households, at least in terms of housing.
Everyone who follows the statistics of rising income and wealth inequality knows we’re becoming a nation of haves and have-nots. What’s not being discussed is the role of housing…
Strongest Inflation in 38 Months
This morning, the government reported that the headline CPI rose by 0.4% in April. That’s the largest increase in 38 months. Wall Street had been expecting an increase of 0.3%. The big driver was gasoline prices which rose by 8.1%. Still, gas is down a lot in the last year.
Here’s a look at the monthly increase in headline CPI…
Here’s a look at the monthly increase in headline CPI…
Chart o’ the Day: Sovereign Bond Yields
State Street’s Dave Mazza looks at six factors driving the 6-year-old global bond market, including demographics, financial regulation and others.
Here’s a look at the relative attractiveness unattractiveness of sovereign bonds, by country:
Here’s a look at the relative attractiveness unattractiveness of sovereign bonds, by country:
Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., as of 2/2/2016
More than $7…
Is the FED Behaving Like A ‘Zombie’?
Central Bankers are continuing to use ‘old discredited’ models. In these models, the ‘interest rate’ is the key policy tool, which are being used to be ‘dialed’, up and down, so as to ensure good economic performance.
If a positive interest rate does not suffice, then a negative interest rate should do the trick, right???
If a positive interest rate does not suffice, then a negative interest rate should do the trick, right???
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